Study Outputs
How is the REDMAPP study being shared?
Updates on the REDMAPP study are being shared via social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) to support parent and healthcare professional awareness and engagement.
The findings from the study will be shared through publications in peer-review journals, presentations at national and international meetings and conferences which include parents, healthcare professionals and charities. Visual materials such as videos and infographics will be used to share the study findings and support the use of the decision-aid in clinical practice.
REDMAPP Publications
1) Pearson, H., Bryan, G., Kayum, C., Gibson, F., Darlington. A.S. (2022) ‘What are parent values and preferences underpinning treatment decision-making in poor prognosis childhood cancer: A scoping review, BMC Pediatrics, 22(1).
2) Pearson, H., Gibson, G., Darlington, A.S. (2021) ‘Parent values and preferences underpinning treatment decision making in poor prognosis childhood cancer: A scoping review protocol’, BMJ Open, 11(5).
REDMAPP Presentations
The REDMAPP study has been presented to healthcare professionals at the 12 Primary Treatment Centres which were open for phase 1 (see Phase 1 page). In addition the study has been presented at:
29.11.22 Solving Kids Cancer Parent Involvement Forum Meeting
16.03.22 University of Southampton, School of Health Sciences staff and students
09.03.22 The Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Neuroblastoma Unit Meeting clinical and research staff
01.03.22 The Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Doctoral Student Meeting
05.11.21 Solving Kids Cancer Global Parent Symposium On-demand Session NPGS 2021 Pearson REDMAPP – YouTube
08.10.21 Children’s Cancer Leukaemia Group Childhood Cancer Conference Developing a decision aid… – YouTube
07.11.20 Solving Kids Cancer Global Parent Symposium
12.02.20 University of Southampton, School of Health Sciences Complex Health Research Group
27.01.20 Children’s Cancer Leukaemia Group Winter Conference, Nurses Meeting
02.12.19 Children’s Cancer Leukaemia Group in partnership with Solving Kids Cancer, National Neuroblastoma Nursing Group Meeting
11.11.19 Children’s Cancer Leukaemia Group, Neuroblastoma Education Conference: Co-presented study with Leona from the PPI group (see PPI page)
10.11.19 Solving Kids Cancer Parent Education Conference
17.09.19 The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Research Forum
04.06.19 Children’s Cancer Leukaemia Group, Supportive and Palliative Care Study Day
13.02.19 University of Southampton, School of Health Sciences Complex Health Research Group
28.01.19 Children’s Cancer Leukaemia Group Winter Conference, Nurses Meeting
11.11.17 Solving Kids Cancer Parent Education Conference
REDMAPP Findings
1) Literature Review Illustration of Findings: REDMAPP Literature Review Findings – YouTube